Tuesday, 10 October 2017

Pinoy AKO New Video

Throughout history, Filipinos have always been hospitable to other nations. We all know about the trading that our ancestors did with nearby countries like China and Malaysia. We welcomed their products, their cultures and traditions and in the process, unconsciously erased our own identities. This went on until Spain, America, and Japan subjugated us, and the Filipinos' idea of foreigners changed. After these things, we should have learned our lesson, but take a good look around you: are we as free as we would like to Pinoy AKO New Video think ourselves to be?

We are influenced by other cultures and we are quickly losing our sense of originality. Can you name anything around you that you can call indigenously Pinoy? Of course there's the much-celebrated Darna by Mars Ravelo, but you'd just be fooling yourself if you do not acknowledge the fact that she's just a localized version of Wonder Woman. On the other side of the fence, there's Totoy Bato, which is a Filipino version of Captain America. We're also very proud of our favorite delicacies, Adobo, which was actually introduced to Pinoy AKO New Video us by Mexico.

Then you hear about a new artist or band being critically acclaimed because they have an "International sound", or that they have a similar style as a foreign artist. Does music has to have that "International sound" to be appreciated? Can't we listen to Pinoy AKO New Video Filipino-sounding music and still think they're good?

And then there's the country's bad habit of hiring foreigners, like athletes. I have nothing against them, but why do we have to import from other countries? Can't we find Filipinos who are just as talented? Shouldn't we concentrate on finding and honing the skills of local athletes rather than relying on professionals from other Pinoy AKO New Video ?

This has been the Philippines' disease ever since. We love everything imported and label local products as cheap or "jologs". We automatically think that everything imported is good while local products are struggling to stay in the market. Foreign brands thrive in the Philippines while local businesses toil to get their ideas off the Pinoy AKO New Video ground. That's why most of the members of the high-society in the country aren't even Filipinos.

It doesn't take an economist to figure out what's wrong. We are turning our backs on our countrymen. We are disregarding our own while embracing the product of other countries. We are so amazed with what other countries are able to do that we forget about what Filipinos are capable of doing. We can't even find a Pinoy AKO New Video decent job without learning English first.

This is not the Philippines that our national heroes fought for. They wanted Filipinos to be free and independent. They wanted us to have our own rules and to follow them. They wanted us to be able to decide what is good for our country without the influence of external bodies. These are the things that they fought for, not the present state of the Philippines where we import all sorts of products because we think that Pinoy AKO New Video our own products aren't good enough.

At the same time, we export our raw materials to foreign companies for their use and then we buy them back even though they were ours to Pinoy AKO New Video begin with.

Our country has been torn apart and ravaged by wars in the past, but now that peace has somehow been restored, we are still fighting to set ourselves apart from other countries. This should be our mission. This should be what Filipinos are working for. We should strive to be on top and not allow other nations to Pinoy AKO New Video reign over us.

This is what we have to do, so that the revolutions of the Pinoy AKO New Video past can be of use to us. If we don't start now, then we would have been better off it the revolution the revolution never happened.

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When the People in america came to become the second country to colonize the islands, the fashion remained the same for the first five years of the 20th century, But it started to change and become more modern in contrast to the conservative style of the previous centuries as the Americans began to affect the Watch Online Pinoy shows modern Filipino culture.

The women now put on the "´Traje de Mestiza"´, a lot more modern version of the Maria Clara. This now had bigger sleeves and a narrower floor length skirt with a long train called ya de cola replaced the full wide skirt exhibiting the Watch Online Pinoy shows Edwardian Fashion to the west.

By the 1920s, the style of the skirt still continued on however; the Butterfly  sleeves now replaced the "Angel Wings" sleeves and the big panuelo reduced it is size. Some Filipino ladies who had lived in the States and Europe put on the Watch Online Pinoy shows western 1920s fashions with loose dresses and knee length skirts.

The event of the 1930s came, the exposure of Filipinos to the western culture lead to the increasing of influence on young adults, teenagers and children´s clothing. Young women began to abandon the typical "Traje de Mestiza" and started to wear flowery printed dresses with mid-calf length shirts. Though many women embraced the traditional western ideals, the typical "Traje de Mestiza" wasn´t completely gone. The Watch Online Pinoy shows and middle aged women still wore the traditional dress, while the adults considered it as an recognized dress for events such as carnivals.

In the 1930s , the Philippines was famous for its beauty pageants and carnivals that draw visitors from around the world, and translated into the influencing of fashion and beauty criteria for the Filipino women. The Watch Online Pinoy shows wore more elaborate and intricate dresses. The "´Traje de Mestiza"` is still popular with the people through the 1930s. Men´s fashions continued to be the same as they continued to wear the "Americana" suits.

When the 1940s came, the Philippines observed breaking out of World War II, resulting in the shortage of attention given to clothing shops, boutiques and dressmaking factories when the country was occupied by the Japanese Empire. The Watch Online Pinoy shows era started when the rations were executed and the women put on more standard clothing.

The "terno" little by little disappeared and stopped being manufactured. Simply the older people wear their old "terno" dresses. Clothing boutiques only sold monochromatic dresses, mostly in dark tones. The shirtwaist dresses of Watch Online Pinoy shows the earlier decade also became popular in the 1940s with a simpler look.

The Filipiniana/Terno gown, the modernized Watch Online Pinoy shows rose to popularity as a formal attire during latter half of the 20th century

As far as the boys were concerened,  "Chinos" became popular as well as white t-shirts, and  paréo plaids. The drape lower suits remained popular as well. Formal attire remained important when attending family functions, going to Watch Online Pinoy shows church, funerals, and as always, graduation ceremonies. The 1960s would bring great change to Filipino fashions.

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Pinoy AKO New Video

Throughout history, Filipinos have always been hospitable to other nations. We all know about the trading that our ancestors did with nearby...